Crop Prospects and Food Situation Quarterly Global Report No.1, March 2022


AFRICA Adverse weather conditions in North Africa and Southern Africa have curtailed 2022 cereal production prospects. In East Africa and West Africa, where the 2021 crops were recently harvested, shortfalls in cereal production were registered in a number of countries due to poor rains and conflicts.

ASIA Dry weather conditions were present at the start of the season in Near East and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Asian countries, and sustained conducive rains are needed to engender an improvement in crop conditions. Production prospects for the wheat crop are generally favourable in Far East Asia.

LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN In South America, all-time high maize plantings are foreseen to result in bumper coarse grain outputs in 2022. In Central America, 2021 cereal production is forecast at an average level, with generally early favourable conditions for the 2022 crop.

EUROPE The escalation of the conflict in Ukraine raises serious concerns over the impact on the country’s food security situation, especially in urban areas.

Population displacements and disruptions to public services and food supply chains would worsen food insecurity conditions, while damage to transport and storage infrastructure would have negative effects on the capacity to export grains.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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