Veldskoen re-elected as Karasburg mayor

Landless People's Movement (LPM) councillor Maria Veldskoen on Friday was re-elected as Karasburg mayor. In her acceptance speech, Veldskoen said it is important that her fellow councillors remember that they took an oath to serve the residents of the town and should serve those who put them into power with pride and loyalty. 'The price that comes with our positions is serving the inhabitants of this town promptly and with due diligence, it is obvious that our residents have reasonable expectations in regard to service delivery and we ought to deliver on those expectations,' urged the mayor. Veldskoen cautioned that it is a breach of contract by councillors when they fail to deliver essential services in terms of section 10 of the Local Authorities Act No. 23 of 1992, terming it as the highest form of betrayal to the inhabitants. 'A work in which we shall restore the dignity of our people so that they can live a dignified life and with all my heart I accept this position to be the number one servant,' sh e added. Members of the management committee are LPM councillors Franciskus Skeyer, Josef Witbooi and Gregorius Ruhl with Skeyer serving as the chairperson of the management committee. Ordinary council members are Swapo party councillors Elias Hauwanga and Frieda Hamutenya and Independent Patriots for Change councillor Nesimus Mupiya. The proceedings were presided by Magistrate, Melissa Mungunda. Source: NAMPA