Tuy/Excellence in primary school: The best students and teachers rewarded

The provincial directorate of preschool, primary and non-formal education (DPEPPNF) of Tuy rewarded, on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 in Houndé, its teachers and students who distinguished themselves by their results during the 2023-2024 school year. Stakeholders in preschool, primary and non-formal education in Tuy celebrated provincial academic excellence on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 under the theme "Resilience and excellence: challenges of the educational community of Tuy". The ceremony was co-sponsored by the General Manager of Houndé Gold Operation (HGO) and the General Manager of Access to Formal Education. On this occasion, 3 preschool auditors, 2 non-formal learners, 25 students and 21 primary school teachers, a facilitator, a literacy operator and 3 basic education districts saw their efforts rewarded. Students Gnidé Djamilatou Traoré from the Lokihoun school and Serge Judicaël Palé from the Koumbia D school were distinguished as the best students in the CEP with an average of 9.35 and 9.18 respectivel y. They were each rewarded with a bicycle and a school kit. The prize for the best teacher having presented at least 100 students to the CEP went to Dramane Millogo and Namawira Do from the Kouloho school, who achieved a success rate of 93.39%. For having obtained a 100% success rate, Auguste Ouédraogo and Abrahima Sawadogo from the Founzan B school were awarded the prize for the best teacher having presented 75 to 99 candidates for the CEP. For the quality of their work, each pair received a motorcycle, a laptop and certificates of merit. According to the provincial director of preschool, primary and non-formal education (DPEPPNF) of Tuy, Ladji Ouattara, the success rate in the province's CEP exam increased from 65.03% to 79.40% in the 2024 session. He congratulated the winners and the teachers who made these results possible. The DPEPPNF also thanked the Defense and Security Forces as well as the partners for their support, which made it possible to meet the challenge of organizing the exams. The re presentative of the Director General of HGO, Nassé Ouédraogo, who delivered the speech of the sponsors, congratulated the DPEPPNF/Tuy for having organized this edition. He said he was satisfied with the "brilliant results" achieved by the winners. Nassé Ouédraogo urged the students to always and everywhere cultivate the spirit of excellence. He also praised the courage, commitment and resilience of teachers in overcoming illiteracy despite difficult working conditions. For his part, the regional director of preschool, primary and non-formal education of Hauts-Bassins, Soilliou Karantao, invited the educational community of the region, and particularly that of Tuy, to support teachers in the field in order to further raise the level of education in Hauts-Bassins. The High Commissioner of Tuy, Issiaka Segda, who chaired the ceremony, thanked the educational community which contributes to pushing back the boundaries of ignorance in the province and hoped that this day will always inspire the winners in their school curriculum. Source: Burkina Information Agency