Tourism sector contributes 6.9 per cent to GDP: Shifeta

The tourism sector in Namibia is a significant industry that directly contributes 6.9 per cent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which amounts to N.dollars 14.3 billion in monetary value. According to the 2022 Namibia Tourist Satellite Account Report, tourism-related industries employ a total of 57 277 individuals, accounting for 7.9 per cent of the overall employment in 2022. Minister of Environment, Tourism and Forestry, Pohamba Shifeta made this statement on Wednesday, while delivering his keynote address at the official opening of the Tourism Expo in Windhoek. The expo is being held under the theme 'Beyond Borders', with greater emphasis on the optimisation of the unfolding tourism economic opportunities in the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) region. According to him, tourism is given high priority in both the National Development Plans (NDPs) and the Harambee Prosperity Plans (HPPs). Additionally, he stated that tourism is acknowledged as a substantial facto r in generating foreign exchange profits, investments, income, employment opportunities, rural development, poverty alleviation, and overall economic prosperity of the country. 'I am informed that many entities have benefited in many ways as a result of hosting of this expo, such as increasing bookings at their accommodation establishments,' he said. According to Windhoek's deputy mayor, Joseph Uapingene, the tourism industry is both dynamic and expanding. It offers opportunities but also poses challenges, especially for local government. This is because local government is responsible for providing and managing the infrastructure and services that are frequently used by both tourists and residents, he said. 'Local government, in its function as the custodian of the 'showroom', frequently plays a crucial part in improving the overall tourist experience. Consequently, it is imperative to comprehend the implications of this matter,' Uapingene said. Source: The Namibia Press Agency