Throne Day: His Majesty the King Receives Congratulatory Message from US President

Rabat - His Majesty King Mohammed VI received a congratulatory message from US President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on the 25th anniversary of the Sovereign's accession to the Throne of His Glorious Ancestors. In this message, Biden extends on behalf of the people of the United States his best wishes to His Majesty the King and to the Moroccan people, stressing that under the Sovereign's wise leadership, the Kingdom has made remarkable progress, and the historic friendship between Morocco and the United States has become stronger. 'Together, we are tackling the most pressing challenges of our day - including developing renewable energy technology, mitigating climate change, and promoting peace and prosperity across the region,' the US President said, adding that he is looking forward to seeing the close cooperation between Morocco and the United States carry on for years to come. Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse