The comprehensive and sovereign national dialogue: The President of the Republic meets leaders of the political organizations

In the context of the consultations conducted by the President of the Transitional Military Council, the President of the Republic, the Head of State, Lieutenant-General Mohamed Idriss Deby Itno, met this afternoon with leaders of the gathering of political organizations led by Salibo Qurba.

The meeting comes on the eve of the comprehensive and sovereign national dialogue, where the President of the Republic discussed with them the assembly’s participation in the comprehensive and sovereign national dialogue.

 The leaders of the assembly expressed to the President of the Republic their point of view and their readiness to participate in the comprehensive and sovereign national dialogue that will be launched tomorrow, Saturday, August 20, 2022.

During the meeting, the President of the Republic assured them that he is open to dialogue with all parties, in order to achieve the required inclusiveness.

After the meeting, the coordinator of the gathering of political organizations, Salibo Qorba, expressed his hope that the dialogue would be inclusive, which would enable the Chadians to discuss all the problems that for many years have hindered the country’s development.  

He also pointed out the need for the dialogue to focus on re-establishing the country that has been suffering from wars and political violence since independence and finding effective solutions in order to strengthen state institutions and make them more effective, achieve wise management and attention to human cadres and stop tribal conflicts to create cohesion and unity among the people of the country so that stability and lasting peace are achieved. 

It should be noted that the gathering of political organizations consists of sixteen political parties established for the purpose of participating in the comprehensive and sovereign national dialogue.

Source: Présidence de la République du Tchad

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