Swapo’s future victory not guaranteed: Alweendo

Minister of Mines and Energy, Tom Alweendo, said there is no guarantee that the Swapo party will continue to rule for another 30 years if party leaders do not do what the electorate expects of them.

Alweendo, who was speaking here on Saturday at the Swapo party regional executive committee meeting, added that the success of the party in the past was based on those that were in the leadership that managed to convince people that Swapo was the right party.

“We have ruled this country for 33 years. Things went well, yet we didn't do all what we wanted to do, but there is no guarantee we will emerge victorious going forward. It’s not a given that it will happen because it happened before. Going forward, we as leaders are in a position again to convince the people that we are the right party,” he said.

Alweendo, who is also a national leader assigned to ||Kharas, said leaders should address issues and concerns of the electorates as it makes no difference for those put into power to address issues that do not concern or influence the people.

“We are here because people put us here and they have concerns and issues and if we have to address those issues, we need understand them first and then create programmes that will address them,” he said.

Swapo party regional coordinator for ||Kharas Region, Matheus Mumbala, urged party members to invest their energy and time in positive activities towards developmental issues, saying Swapo party members should be the driving force for the developmental agenda and not reactionaries or opportunists.

“We become reactional and emotional when the opposition do something. We are the government. We have the right to push minister to bring developmental to our people,” he said.

The meeting serves, among other objectives, to introduce the new national leaders assigned to the ||Kharas Region to the executive committee members.

Other leaders are Members of Parliament (MP), Lucia Witbooi, Laurencia Stephanus, Steve Ovambo, Tuuliki Abraham, Gaudentia Krohne and Minister of Higher Education, Training and Innovation, Itah Kandjii-Murangi.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency