Polio this week as of 1 June 2022


GPEI has released the 2021 Afghanistan Annual report which contains a summary of the events, surveillance and epidemiological situation and all other programmatic updates of 2021. The publication is available here.

Global public health leaders convening last week at the World Health Assembly called for urgent action to end polio once and for all before a unique window of opportunity closes for good. To achieve success, they urged the Assembly to reach every last child with polio vaccines, with special focus on “zero-dose children” who have never been immunized, and to respond urgently to polio outbreaks of all types while building on progress to achieve a sustainable polio transition. Also at the Assembly, African health ministers sought ways to bolster polio outbreak response.

Rotarians from around the world are gathering next week in Houston, USA, for the annual Rotary International Convention. More than 1.2 million Rotary members around the world remain committed to the goal of polio eradication, raising awareness and critically-needed funds for the effort. More.

Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative

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