Opening remarks by the Director-General of WHO at the fourth meeting of the IHR Emergency Committee on the multi-country monkeypox outbreak – 9 February 2023

February 9, 2023


Dr. Alda Maria da Cruz,


Dear members and advisors of the Emergency Committee, colleagues and friends:


I want to thank our President and Vice President for joining us in Geneva, and all of you for joining us from around the world.


It is very gratifying to see how, thanks to the hard work of the affected countries, monkeypox cases have decreased since I declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern last July.


The number of reported monkeypox cases has continued to fall to low levels in all regions since your last meeting, suggesting a sustained decline.


The number of monkeypox cases reported to WHO now stands at more than 85,000, and the number of deaths at 92.


Since November, 90% of cases have been reported in the Region of the Americas.


The WHO, however, continues to receive reports from around the world, with more than 30 countries reporting cases in the past month.


It is important to note that it is difficult to trace the true trajectory of the epidemic in the African Region, given the limited data available to WHO. Data sharing remains essential for all countries.


That being said, the slowdown in the number of reported cases shows the effectiveness of response measures globally.


Regardless of your opinion about whether or not the outbreak continues to constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, ending it will continue to require intense effort. If we don’t stop human-to-human transmission, we could see a rebound in cases.


And, of course, we must remember that monkeypox has been endemic in many low-income countries in Africa for years.


Although it is receding in countries that have not experienced major outbreaks in the past, this global outbreak should spur more sustained investment in fighting this disease everywhere.


In the future, we must maintain efforts in terms of surveillance, prevention and care, and for the vaccination of high-risk populations,


as well as efforts to improve equitable access to diagnostic tests, vaccines and treatment for all who need them,


and to continue fighting against stigmatization and discrimination, guaranteeing respect for human rights.


In the longer term, programs and services related to monkeypox should be integrated into surveillance and control programs for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.


In a few moments, my colleagues will provide updated technical information on the current epidemiological situation.


Once again, thank you, Dr. Okwo-Bele, for your leadership.


And I also express my gratitude to each of the members and advisors of the Committee for sharing their expertise, and for their dedication and commitment.


As always, the International Sanitary Regulations will guide your work.


I wish you a productive discussion and look forward to your recommendations.





Source: World Health Organization