Morocco’s Prison Authority Takes Administrative Measures against Officials in Ouarzazate

In response to illegal actions, Morocco's General Delegation for Penitentiary Administration and Rehabilitation (DGAPR) has announced a crackdown on officials at the Ouarzazate local prison. This decision comes in the wake of a video circulating on social media platforms, particularly YouTube, wherein a recently released repeat offender aired grievances about the conditions within the Ouarzazate facility. According to a statement released on Friday by the DGAPR, a central commission of the organization's general inspection has been appointed to investigate the claims made in the video. As a result, several officials were found to have engaged in illegal activities, along with failing to fulfill their assigned responsibilities. Among these measures is the referral of implicated officials to the disciplinary board, accompanied by notifications to the public prosecutor regarding the violations committed. Moreover, the overcrowding predicament at the Ouarzazate facility has exacerbated the already challenging conditions of detention. With the prison accommodating nearly double its intended capacity, the situation has contributed to a further deterioration in the quality of detention, as highlighted by the DGAPR. Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse