Menzies HKIA eviction ruling in September

The Windhoek High Court has reserved its ruling in an urgent application by Menzies Aviation, challenging its eviction from the Hosea Kutako International Airport, with judgement in the matter now set for 01 September 2023.

Menzies Aviation was evicted from the airport on Saturday by the Deputy Sheriff, with the assistance of the Namibian Police Force (NamPol). This follows a Supreme Court order directing it to vacate the premises and allow Paragon Aviation to instead provide ground-handling services. Menzies, in its oral submissions before Judge Hannelie Prinsloo, insisted that the eviction was abrupt, terming it “an evil strategy”. Menzies’ legal representative, Raymond Heathcote, told the court that they were not informed about the eviction.

The Namibia Airports Company (NAC); Ministry of Safety and Security; and Paragon Investments are cited as a respondents.

“They came like a thief in the night. I therefore submit that the respondents are acting in cahoots and have unlawfully dispossessed Menzies without Menzies’ consent whatsoever,”Heathcote said.

Menzies wants a court order compelling NAC and Paragon to immediately grant them access to the airport, the motor vehicle parking bays, restrooms, passenger services offices and check-in counters in the main terminal building, among others.

NAC argued through its lawyer, Elias Shikongo, that the current application by Menzies is “yet another untenable, misconceived and legally impermissible attempt to return to HKIA and to continue rendering ground-handling services for Menzies’ own financial gain.”

“Menzies’ strategy must be called out for what it is. The NAC appointed Paragon Investment Holding (Pty) Ltd Joint Venture Ethiopian Airlines (Paragon) to render the ground-handling services, already in December 2021, now almost two years ago. Menzies’ reckless disregard for the interest of HKIA and the Namibian people is as conniving as it is unlawful. The court should not countenance this anymore. This must end,” Shikongo argued.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency