Gobabis councillor arrested for alleged rape

GOBABIS: A Gobabis local authority councillor was arrested on Tuesday after he allegedly sexually molested a 19-year-old schoolboy at the town. According to an incident report by the Omaheke regional police, the incident reportedly happened Tuesday morning, when the victim went to the governor's office to collect a document. The suspect who was attending a meeting at the Omaheke governor's office, then allegedly instructed the victim to follow him to a toilet where the act allegedly happened. 'It is alleged that the victim followed the suspect to the toilet, where the suspect undressed the victim and inserted his (victim's) private parts in his mouth and thereafter ordered the victim to have sexual intercourse with him,' reads the Namibian Police report. The councillor is expected to appear in the Gobabis Magistrate's Court on Thursday while investigations continue. Source: The Namibia Press Agency