Geingob notes international violence elimination day against women

President Hage Geingob on Saturday joined Namibians and the rest of the world in commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. In a statement issued by the Presidency, Geingob noted that Namibia has made significant progress in addressing violence against women and girls through the Combating of Domestic Violence Act and the Affirmative Action Act. 'These laws aim to protect victims, promote gender equality and ensure women's representation in decision-making. The government has also raised awareness through campaigns, workshops and educational programmes and developed a national action plan on gender-based violence to expand support services and improve data collection,' he said. Geingob said that the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication, and Social Welfare, along with various stakeholders, continue to spearhead initiatives aimed at preventing violence against women and girls. 'We have established specialised units within the Namibian Police Force to deal with gender-based violence. Therefore, we must stand united in our efforts to create a world where women can live free from fear, discrimination and violence,' the president said. Source: NAMPA