Education under attack in West and Central Africa: 2022 update

Since EDUCATION UNDER ATTACK IN WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA: A note by the Regional Education in Emergencies Working Group was published in October 2021, on the occasion of the Fourth International Conference on the Safe Schools Declaration in Nigeria, the situation in the region has further deteriorated, bringing the issue of protecting education to the forefront.

The West and Central Africa region has seen a sharp increase in the number of schools closed due to insecurity during the past year.

By the end of the 2021-22 school year, over 12.400 schools were closed in eight countries of the region, either because they are a direct target of attacks by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) or because teachers have fled leaving no-one to teach, or because parents are too frightened to send their children to school or are themselves in a process of repeated forced displacement to safer areas. The spread and intensification of conflict is having an ever more devastating effect on access to and continuity of learning, affecting the future of entire generations of children.

12,400 schools closed

as of June 2022, in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, CAR, Chad, DRC, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria.

Source: World Food Programme

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