Cece Yara Foundation, Cummins West Africa train 200 educators on child abuse

The Cece Yara Foundation, on Thursday, said it was equipping no fewer than 200 educators and caregivers in Kosofe Local Government in Lagos State with best practices aimed at safeguarding children from abuse.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Cece Yara Foundation was established in 2016 to prevent child sexual abuse, and provide emergency intervention for children who have experienced sexual abuse or who are at risk.

The foundation, a child-centered non-profit organisation, provides psycho-social, legal, and medical support for children through a 24-hour free child telephone helpline (0800 800 8001) and its child-friendly Child Advocacy Centres in Lagos and Abuja.

The foundation’s Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Detutu Ajibodu, spoke at the opening of a two-day workshop being held in collaboration with Cummins West Africa, in Lagos on Thursday.

Ajibodu explained that the foundation’s gesture became imperative as statistics had shown that one in four girls and one in ten boys would be abused before the age of 18.

She said the workshop would avail participants the platform to learn crucial skills, exposure to knowledge, tools, and strategies to identify as well as how to respond effectively to instances of child abuse.

She added that facilitators would use the interactive sessions to teach educators how to recognise different forms of abuse, understand warning signs, and how to implement proper reporting procedures.

“By doing so, they are better equipped to create safe and nurturing learning environments for children,” she said.

Ajibodu stated that child abuse was a deeply distressing issue affecting countless children worldwide, saying it was educators’ responsibility to be well-informed and equipped to identify and respond to any signs of abuse.

She said with proper training, educators could identify signs of abuse and how to implement appropriate interventions to break the cycle of violence and provide a secure environment for children to learn and thrive.

“The workshop sessions would delve into the complexities of child abuse, providing insights into establishing supportive atmospheres within schools, promoting open dialogue, and empowering children to seek help when needed.

“The story of the success of this workshop would not be complete but for the generous partnership of Cummins West Africa, a company deeply committed to corporate social responsibility.

“Their support will ensure that educators and caregivers will have access to this vital training and strengthen their ability to protect children’s well-being.

“The Cece Yara Foundation, renowned for its dedication to child protection and advocacy, believes that educators play a transformative role in the lives of students beyond academics,” she said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria