Thirteen water pumps stolen in Okongo

The Okongo Constituency councillor Efraim Shipindo has urged public members to desist from stealing community water pumps as these cost the government millions to replace.

In an interview with Nampa on Friday, Shipindi stated that the three water cy…

Swakopmund mayor wants public buses for safety

The Office of the Swakopmund Mayor has proposed the introduction of buses as a mode of public transportation around Swakopmund to tackle criminal activities.

The arrangement, documented in a council agenda as proposed by the mayor’s office at a counc…

Omaheke embarks on business pitching training

The Omaheke Innovation Village (The O-SPACE) on Wednesday commenced a three-day business pitching training for twenty-three Technical and Vocational Education and Training students who applied for the incubation programme.

The business pitching train…

Embu County Automates Revenue Collection

Embu County Government is rolling out an automatic revenue collection system that is expected to seal all loopholes for revenue pilferage.

Governor Cecily Mbarire said the system developed in collaboration with the Ministry of ICT and Safaricom will …