Burkina: ‘With the current government, we are making a real revolution in the mining sector’ (Mining expert)

Ouagadougou: Mining expert Jonas Hien indicated on Thursday July 18, 2024, during the 9th edition of Sankoré universities, that the government has initiated a process of organization and industrialization of the sector mining which is, in his opinion, 'a real revolution'. 'With the current government, we are in the process of making a real revolution in the mining sector. The government has initiated an organizational and awareness-raising process to take charge of our sector,' indicated this Thursday, July 18, 2024, the program director of the NGO Organization for the Strengthening of Development Capacity (ORCADE) Jonas Hien. Mr. Hien, also an expert in mining issues, presented a communication on the occasion of the 9th edition of Sankoré universities organized by the Cadre Two Hours for Us, Two Hours for Kamita scheduled from Sunday July 14 to Friday July 19, 2024. He said the government 'has initiated a process of industrialization in the mining sector for greater impact of the exploitation of its resour ces on our economy at the national level, at the local level and on jobs'. The mining expert stressed that 'for a long time, people wanted to prevent us from industrializing and leave room for foreign companies'. Today, with the regime of President Ibrahim Traoré, it has been undertaken to revise all the texts which govern the mining sector to provide Burkina Faso with texts of sovereignty in the management of our natural resources, he said. It is also planned, he continued, 'a process of valorization of artisanal mining operations in order to place artisanal miners in the mining production chain'. Indeed, the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré laid the first stone of a gold refinery in Ouaga 2000 on November 23, 2023 and launched the activities of the very first Burkinabè mining residue processing plant on Tuesday January 23, 2024. Yesterday Thursday July 18, 2024, the deputies examined and adopted a new mining code which should allow Burkina Faso to have a text adapted to developments in the mining sector. The new mining code will also allow the State to maximize its revenues and local communities to derive substantial benefits from mining. This new Code also intends to guarantee harmonious development of the mining sector, a guarantee of sustainable development. Mining expert Jonas Hien participated in the analysis of this code. According to him, 'it will affirm the sovereignty of the Burkinabè State to manage its own natural resources'. He specified that 'this mining code was developed in a sovereign manner'. 'We did not involve foreign companies in its development despite all their pressure. The government's response was categorical in affirming that it is a law that is being developed by the Burkinabè for the Burkinabè,' he said. For Mr. Hien, 'the case of Burkina will set a precedent in other countries' and 'will have a very positive impact on the management of natural resources'. Mr. Hien recalled that the three previous mining codes of Burkina Faso (1997, 2003, 2015) as well as the mining code s of other French-speaking African countries are copies of a decree dating from November 13, 1954 which relates to the reform of the mineral substance regime in the overseas territories of the French overseas ministry. 'The new mining code will be a disruptive mining code because it contains many revolutionary provisions' promised Jonas Hien. Among the innovations of the text adopted yesterday by parliament, we note the contribution of mining companies to the constitution of the national gold reserve and the obligation imposed on mining companies to open their capital social to Burkinabè investors. There is also the modification of the Local Development Mining Fund into the Mining Development Fund which will be allocated to the financing of endogenous development projects and municipal development plans and, to the financing of the Patriotic Support Fund and to the financing of a Mining Fund. support for national security to be created by decree. Source: Burkina Information Agency