Burkina: members of the government in Nahouri for the promotion of internal tourism

Members of the government, three in number, namely Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo (Communication), Jacques Sosthène Dingara (National Education) and Amadou Dicko (Animal Resources), as well as media professionals, arrived yesterday Friday in Pô as part of the promotion of internal tourism. This visit by members of the government, led by the Minister of Communication, aims to allow Burkinabè people to rediscover the rich cultural and tourist heritage of the country of upright men, and to make them ambassadors of the Burkina Faso destination. It should be remembered that the Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism launched, on July 13, the second edition of the major domestic tourism season. This government initiative aims to raise awareness among populations about the practice of tourism and the organization of tourist stays on the national territory. Source: Burkina Information Agency