Burkina: A CSO provides support to the AES States

The Movement to stop the deportation of wars on our territories announced Friday during a press conference in Ouagadougou, its support for the authorities of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) by communication and education actions on the ground, noted the AIB on site. ' To make our contribution to the peace effort, we intend to establish a policy of general coverage through a certain number of actions on the ground in the areas of communication, education and information and which involves everyone' declared Dr. Alexis Kam, coordinator of the Movement to stop the deportation of wars on our territories. For him, this structure aims to denounce orally the involvement of foreign forces in the destabilization of our different nations. According to Dr Kam, this denunciation is a call to countries or even to our neighbors who contribute to our country being unstable, to pull themselves together. 'We aim to support the political convictions of our various heads of state in the territories' specified the coord inator of the Stop the Deportation Movement of wars in our territories. For him, it is through coverage, communication and education actions on the ground that the movement intends to contribute, or even support, the various officials at the highest summit of the State. 'It is the satisfactory results of the government over the last two years in the reconquest of the country which motivate us to contribute to ensuring that people understand that our authorities do not only work in the administrations but also on the ground' explained the coordinator of the Movement . According to Dr Kam, the days to come will be marked by tours in all regions to be able to establish their different structures and allow the population to become aware of the state of development in the AES countries. He also invited the youth of Burkina Faso and that of other countries in the AES area to mobilize in order to support our current authorities so that together we can achieve the Africa of tomorrow. As a reminder, the Movement to stop the deportation of wars on our territories is a structure which has already proven itself by contributing to the free registration in universities of certain students. Source : Burkina Information Agency