Africa has 39% of the world’s clean energy potential, it doesn’t need gas speculators

At Energy Day at the COP27 climate talks in Egypt, Joab Okanda, Christian Aid’s Pan African Advocacy Advisor, said:

“Africa has 39% of the world’s renewable energy potential, more than any other continent. Nowhere has suffered more from the impact of burning fossil fuels so it is perfectly placed to show the world a different path to develop, freed from the shackles of a dirty energy system that has wrecked our climate.

“Fossil fuel companies are showing their greed and plan to exploit fossil fuels in 48 out of 55 African countries. If all this fossil fuel is successfully burned then it will push us past the Paris Agreement goals and spell misery for African people already on the front lines of this crisis.

“What’s so galling is that 89% the liquified natural gas infrastructure being built in Africa is to be exported to Europe to bail them out of their addiction to Russian gas. We cannot be Europe’s gas station. Otherwise, we will crash the climate.”

Source: Christian Aid

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