ACAPS Briefing note – Chad: Floods in 13 regions of the country, 13 September 2022

Floods are frequent and are expected between May—October every year in Central African countries. In late July and early August 2022, however, unprecedented rainfall caused floods across Chad, affecting 13 of its 23 regions. These regions are Batha, Chari-Baguirmi, Guéra, Logone Occidental, Logone Oriental, Mandoul, Mayo-Kebbi Est, Mayo-Kebbi Ouest, N’Djamena, Ouaddai, Salamat, Sila, and Tandjilé. In the regions of Logone Occidental, Mandoul, and Sila, flooding has affected 70% of the population (Reuters 06/09/2022; OCHA 31/08/2022).

As at 30 August, floods had affected at least 440,000 people in Chad (FloodList 14/08/2022; OCHA 31/08/2022). The flooding has caused the collapse of walls, houses, and public buildings and destroyed food storages. Some people are sheltered in local schools, and families have to pile into wooden boats to cross streets. As at 31 August, floods had caused at least 22 fatalities and destroyed more than 44,000 hectares of crops (OCHA 31/08/2022; UN DGC 17/08/2022; Development Diaries 29/08/2022). Rains are expected to continue until October.

Stagnant floodwaters create health risks for the affected population, as disease-producing mosquitoes can breed in these waters (Al Jazeera 06/09/2022). An unknown number of markets remain closed, disrupting the livelihood of part of the population (Al Wihda 13/08/2022).

As at 26 August, responders had received only 33% of the humanitarian funding required for 2022 (UN News 26/08/2022; OCHA 31/08/2022).

Source: ACAPS

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