HM King Mohammed VI & President Emmanuel Macron, A Summit Meeting Marked by Renewal

Paris - French President Emmanuel Macron's state visit to Morocco, at the invitation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, announced this Monday in a statement by the Ministry of the Royal Household, Protocol, and Chancellery, marks a decisive step in strengthening the exceptional partnership between the two countries. This visit, the statement specifies, "reflects the depth of bilateral relations, founded on a strong and deeply rooted partnership, fueled by the shared will of both Heads of State to further strengthen the multidimensional ties between the two countries." These multidimensional ties, historically cultivated by Paris and Rabat, are set to be further enhanced within the framework of a new dynamic aimed at fully entering a new chapter in this exceptional partnership. Today, this partnership is experiencing a qualitative leap forward in a new context, driven by both Heads of State, His Majesty King Mohammed VI and President Emmanuel Macron. This visit first takes place in a new context, marked by F rance's declared support for Morocco's autonomy plan, which reinforces Moroccan sovereignty over its southern provinces. This decision represents a new phase in French-Moroccan relations, in the context of a positive international momentum surrounding the Sahara issue in recent years, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. In all sectors, a new chapter of shared history is being written, and a new dimension of a common destiny between the two countries is emerging, through this State visit of President Macron, marking a new era of strategic cooperation, based on mutual respect and shared interests. On the subject of bilateral relations, President Macron's visit will align French-Moroccan partnership with the expectations of both Heads of State, politically and in strategic economic sectors such as renewable energies, new technologies, industry, education, culture, and more. With its regional and continental reach, its millennia-old history, and supported by Royal leadership that distinguishe s Morocco in terms of modernity and progress, the Kingdom positions itself as a key partner for France. Morocco is attractive for investment and serves as a guarantor of peace and stability both in its immediate surroundings and across the continent. The ambition of both countries, and their leaders, is to consolidate this renewed partnership, fostering shared prosperity for the two nations, as well as at the African level. Socio-economic development is at the heart of the shared interests of Paris and Rabat, bolstered by cross-investments in industries, renewable energies, new technologies, and services. This is all aimed at meeting the expectations of the new generations in both countries, as well as the entire African continent. On a broader scale, Rabat and Paris have demonstrated their ability to coordinate actions on the international stage and within various multilateral platforms. This is even more urgent today, given the conflicts and upheavals shaking the world. It is in this spirit of coordinatin g efforts, consulting, and engaging in calm and constructive political dialogue that the two countries intend to build their future relationship, especially in matters of security cooperation and joint efforts to maintain peace in conflict zones. Macron's state visit also highlights the long-shared history and strong friendship between the two countries and peoples, particularly in the areas of human, cultural, and academic exchanges. In these fields, Rabat and Paris form a tandem that carries messages and initiatives that resonate far beyond Europe and Africa. While Morocco and France have traveled a long road together in the context of a dense and multifaceted relationship, today they are setting a new course, embracing a win-win logic with an unexpected but fully assumed regional, African, and Mediterranean dimension. Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse