Gaspard Twagirayezu: New Face, New Direction for the Rwandan Space Agency

On 11 September 2024, Gaspard Twagirayezu, former Minister of Education, was appointed Director General of the Rwanda Space Agency (RSA) by President Paul Kagame himself. He succeeds Col Francis Ngabo, who has led the agency since its inception in 2020. This transition at the helm of the agency reflects Rwanda's growing ambitions in the space sector, and the appointment of Gaspard Twagirayezu heralds a new era for this key institution in the country's technological development. Under Col Ngabo's leadership, the Rwandan Space Agency has made remarkable progress, particularly in the area of ??space research and infrastructure development. The emphasis on strategic partnerships with international institutions has enabled Rwanda to strengthen its position on the global space scene. This exemplary journey is now giving way to new leadership embodied by Gaspard Twagirayezu, whose skills and experience make him the ideal candidate to continue and deepen these advances. A career dedicated to innovation and educati on Before his appointment to RSA, Gaspard Twagirayezu had already distinguished himself by his commitment to innovation in the education sector. As Minister of Education and then Minister Delegate in charge of Primary and Secondary Education, he worked to transform the Rwandan education system by focusing on the promotion of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines. 'The development of STEM is essential to prepare the next generation of innovators in Rwanda,' he often declared. This vision helped lay the foundations for a stronger technological future for the country. His career does not end there. Gaspard Twagirayezu also served as a Senior Policy and Strategy Analyst in the Office of the President, where he contributed to the development of national development strategies. This crucial position allowed him to acquire a global vision of the country's priorities in science and technology. Academically, Gaspard Twagirayezu holds a Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engin eering, with a specialization in Engineering Management, from Oklahoma Christian University in the United States. He also obtained a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Thanks to a presidential scholarship, he returned to Rwanda after his studies to contribute to the development of educational projects in the STEM field, thus strengthening the link between academic training and the technological development of the country. New impetus for the Rwandan Space Agency Established in 2020, the Rwandan Space Agency is tasked with developing Rwanda's space capabilities and promoting space technologies to support the country's socio-economic development. Under the leadership of Gaspard Twagirayezu, the institution aims to further engage with the international space community and strengthen its collaboration with African and global partners. With his rich background in education, science policy and technology transfer, Gaspard Twagirayezu presents himself as a valuable asset to lead the age ncy to new heights. One of his priorities will be to strengthen local skills in key areas such as satellite technology, data analysis and space exploration. This is part of Rwanda's broader objective to position itself as a hub for space innovation in Africa. As he highlighted in a recent speech, 'Rwanda's future will depend on our ability to master space technologies and use them as a lever for our development.' A promising future for Rwanda in the space sector Under this new leadership, the Rwandan Space Agency is poised to take a new step in its evolution. Gaspard Twagirayezu's ambitions are not limited to simple space exploration: he wants Rwanda to become a leader on the African continent, an example to follow in terms of technological innovation. Building on the legacy left by his predecessor, he intends to amplify efforts to attract investment in the sector and develop local training programs capable of creating an ecosystem conducive to space innovation. Thus, the appointment of Gaspard Twagirayezu as the head of the Rwandan Space Agency marks the beginning of a new chapter for the Rwandan space sector. Driven by a clear strategic vision and a commitment to innovation, he is well placed to guide the agency in its next stages of development and achieve Rwanda's ambitions in the space sector. Source: Africa News Agency