GRA gives vehicle tax evaders amnesty before to September 30

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has announced an amnesty for vehicle tax evaders who smuggled vehicles into the country using unapproved routes. According to the GRA, individuals have until September 30 to take advantage of this amnesty. Speaking to members of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) on the sidelines of a GRA media engagement as part of GRA's Tax Education Month, Justice Njornan Magah, Supervisor of the Vehicle Valuation Unit at the Customs Head Office, said, 'We encourage people to comply with the tax laws. Every year, GRA declares a tax amnesty, and this year is no different. GRA wants those who have not complied with the tax laws and have vehicles in the country, whether they came through approved routes using the temporary importation regime-which allows them to stay for 90 days-or they smuggled them through unapproved routes, to come forward. They can declare that they have these vehicles and are not paying taxes on them. We will do the assessment-only the vehicle duty, VAT, and other ta xes; penalties will be waived. That is what the amnesty does.' He added that if individuals fail to comply and the GRA embarks on nationwide road surveillance starting October 1, 2024, they would have to pay a 300% penalty on the original duty. 'Our operations team will inspect such vehicles using diagnostic machines that can detect unpaid duties or tampered chassis numbers. If discrepancies are found, including tampered vehicle details, a 300% penalty on the original duty may be imposed for non-compliance.' Source: Ghana Web