HM King Mohammed VI Congratulates Nizar Baraka on Re-Election as Istiqlal Party Secretary-General

Rabat - HM King Mohammed VI has addressed a message of congratulations to Nizar Baraka following his reelection as Secretary-General of the Istiqlal Party. In this message, the Sovereign congratulates Baraka for the renewed trust placed in him by the party's National Council, in recognition of his fruitful party efforts. HM King Mohammed VI also expresses His wishes for Baraka's continued success in carrying out his partisan duties, aiming to fulfill the party's aspirations to strengthen its position in the national political scene and to fulfill its constitutional missions with a high sense of responsibility and sincere patriotism, serving the supreme interests of the nation and its citizens. HM King Mohammed VI asks Baraka to convey His high regards to all the activists of the Istiqlal Party. Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse