Nurse allegedly rapes woman at Onyaanya

OKATOPE: A 27-year-old male nurse allegedly raped a 36-year-old female on Sunday at around 00h00 at Onyaanya village in the Oshikoto Region. According to a crime update issued on Monday by Commissioner Theopoline Kalompo-Nashikaku of the Namibian Police Force, it is alleged that the suspect snuck into the complainant's sleeping room and had sexual intercourse with her without her consent. 'According to the complainant, they were drinking together with the suspect at the bar at Wakema complex. The complainant then left the suspect at the bar to go and sleep, later on, while in bed, the complainant only saw the suspect on top of her and she did not know how the suspect entered her sleeping room,' the update states. She further reported that there is no known intimate relationship between the complainant and suspect, who is also a nurse at the Okatope Health Centre. The suspect was arrested and investigations continues. Source: The Namibia Press Agency