FNB employs 30 more consultants to improve customer service

First National Bank of Namibia (FNB) says it has added 30 consultants to its contact centre as part of its efforts to improve customer service.

It has a customer base of over 700 000 people in Namibia.

This comes after the bank achieved a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 41. The NPS score is an internationally subscribed to metric that poses the question: ‘How likely are you to recommend FNB to family and friends?’ The metric is applied on a scale of 0-10, where 10 is highly likely and 0 is not likely at all. According to Customer Gauge the average NPS score for the banking industry is 31.

According to FNB Namibia Head of Client Experience Quinten Potgieter in a media statement on Monday, the results obtained in this poll demonstrate the bank’s determination to address the changing demands of its clients, which is evident in the continual investment in product and service innovation.

“It is against this background that FNB Namibia, once again embarked on a mammoth project to solicit feedback from our customers across the country. In 2023, over 17 000 of our customers took time from their busy schedules to provide feedback on their experience with the products and services we provide,” he said.

Potgieter added that with just over 700 000 customers in Namibia, the bank has a great task in meeting the needs of its customers in a world where individuality has become more apparent.

“When considering how we as recipients of service evaluate that experience it is important to contextualise how a provider of that service can influence and ultimately control the delivery thereof. Within the discipline of Customer Experience, four key drivers are critical to keep a keen eye on; Multi Experience (MX), Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience (EX) and User Experience (UX),” he elaborated.

Potgieter said the expansion of the team of consultants in the contact centre offered the opportunity for 30 Namibians to secure fulltime employment while reducing the bank’s drop call rate to 8 per cent and that the bank is striving to reduce this even more.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency