Regional Consultations Sub-Saharan Africa Mid-Term Review of the Implementation of the Sendai Framework Thematic area on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems


In 2022, UNDRR focused on Target G for the implementation of the Sendai Framework 2015- 2030: “to substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to the people by 2030”. Target G was also the topic of the International Day for DRR. With the announcement of an ambitious target on EWS for all initiatives of the UN Secretary General, 2022 marks also an important crossroad to ensure that every person on Earth is protected by an early warning system in the next five years.

As part of the Mid Term Review of the Sendai Framework for DRR, UNDRR Regional Office for Africa UNDRR sent out a questionnaire dedicated to MHEWS at regional and continental level. The questionnaire was sent in September 2022 to all RECs, AUC and other regional organizations working on the topic. The questionnaire focused on a regional perspective on actions taken, challenges ahead and key observations made by the organizations since the start of the implementation period and in anticipation for the future, focusing on three different perspectives. First, a retrospective review of progress made from 2015 to date; second, on new and emerging issues for DRR and EWS; third, a prospective review for reaching Target G until 2030 beyond.

The following report summarizes the insights given by the following organizations:

• African Centre of Meteorological Application for Development (ACMAD)

• AGRHYMET Regional Centre

• African Union Commission (AUC)

• Economic Community of East African States (ECCAS)

• Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

• Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)

• Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

• Southern African Development Community (SADC)

The focus of the questionnaire was on the following themes:

The 4 elements of MHEWS (Picture 1);

People centred approach;

Governance (clear mandates, implementation capacities, budget allocation and monitoring and learning), collaboration and investments.

Source: UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction