66 Houses under mass housing project completed end of July

The completion of the first 66 houses under the Mass Housing Project in Swakopmund is envisaged by end July, while the rest will be completed in May 2024.

This was announced by Erongo Governor Neville Andre Itope during his State of the Region Address at Swakopmund on Monday.

The houses are part of the 319 incomplete houses which were contracted to Ferusa under the national Mass Housing Development Programme in Matutura residential Area which was subsequently awarded to the New Era Construction Investment Company late last year, after over seven years of standing incomplete.

“I am pleased to report that the Namibian Government has heard the plea of the people by effectively solving the dispute on the Mass Housing Project as this matter has been a concern to my office and equally to the Central Government.

This is a significant development and will definitely ease the housing backlog experienced in Swakopmund,” the governor stated.

He further highlighted that the Swakopmund Municipality commenced the construction of 79 houses under the build together program in January, while a total of 32 houses were completed under the Shack Dwellers Federation.

“Meanwhile, the Arandis Town Council, in collaboration with the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development envisage to construct 256 affordable houses during the current year.

Henties Bay Municipality, allocated 180 residential erven and 14 business erven, whilst Usakos surveyed and sub-divided 230 residential erven in Onghulumbashe Informal Settlement as well 270 in Saamstaan reception area respectively,” the governor said.

The Walvis Bay Municipality, he said has also allocated urban land to the Namibian University of Science and Technology and the International University of Management to establish educational facilities.

The governor went on to say that the most Local Authorities in the Erongo Region are currently undertaking sanitation programs through the connection of sewer networks, and the construction of pump stations and oxidation ponds to ensure hygiene to the people.

A total of 51 dry pit latrines were constructed and completed at Tatamutsi Informal Settlement in Uis through the Erongo Regional Council with support from First Rand Namibia Foundation and the 5 per cent assessment rates, he concluded.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency