Ukraine: FAO Humanitarian response update, 2 December 2022

• According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food (MAPF), since 24 February 2022, Ukraine exported1 29.1 million tonnes of agricultural products. As of 28 November, in the 2022/23 marketing year, Ukraine exported 17.3 million tonnes of cereals (including about 50 000 tonnes of flour) compared with 25.3 million tonnes during the same period in the previous marketing year.

• The Government of Ukraine has developed a new initiative entitled “Grain from Ukraine”. Through this initiative, developed countries can now purchase Ukrainian grain for low-income countries in Africa and Asia to ensure food availability in these areas and support the Ukrainian economy.

• As of 27 October 2022, the estimated number of internally displaced people within Ukraine is 6.5 million.

• Through its Rapid Response Plan (RRP) and Grain Storage Support Strategy (GSSS), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) requires a total of USD 180.4 million to assist 979 320 people in Ukraine by the end of 2022; address 30 percent of the grain storage needs; and strengthen government capacity for food commodity testing and certifications necessary for export at border facilities.

• To date, FAO has mobilized USD 84.7 million, leaving a gap of USD 95.7 million, which must be filled urgently to support vulnerable households in rural areas during the winter season.

• FAO continues to work on the ground in Ukraine with a team of over 95 members, including technical and operational personnel deployed to support the scale-up.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations