The reforestation campaign in the province of Zondoma was officially launched through National Tree Day (JNA) celebrated on Saturday August 17, 2024 in Gourcy.

The reforestation campaign in the province of Zondoma was officially launched through National Tree Day (JNA) celebrated on Saturday August 17, 2024 in Gourcy. On this occasion, 200 plants were planted in the courtyard of the Tangzoug-Yargo school which hosted the launching ceremony. Placed under the presidency of the high commissioner of the province of Zondoma Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé, the 6th edition of National Tree Day (JNA) was celebrated this Saturday, August 17, 2024 in Gourcy under the theme "Tree, capital of resilience for endogenous development » It is the grove of the Tangzoug-Yargo school in sector 4 of Gourcy which housed this tree plantation which mobilized all the active forces of the province. In total, 200 plants consisting mainly of fruit trees were planted. For the High Commissioner, this activity is in line with the initiatives taken at the top of the State, the aim of which, according to him, is to arouse popular enthusiasm for the restoration and protection of the environment. This edi tion, he recalled, is organized around new concepts such as: 'my business my grove, I regreen my home, a roundabout, landscaping, a street, a roadside plantation, I regreen my place of worship, the grove of the bride and groom, I am moving my health center, a school, a grove etc. According to the high commissioner, 120 thousand plants will be planted during the current campaign in the province. As sponsor of the activity, the National Coordinator of the Association Monde Rural (AMR) Amadou Wangré was delighted with the organization of such an activity in a school setting because, he said, it would allow the development among young people, reflexes in favor of the environment. » Take care of the site that we are going to reforest today. You must maintain it and pass it on to those who come after you. » he declared, addressing the students of the school. Like the other speakers, the Chief of Gourcy, the Naaba Baongho and the President of the Special Delegation of Gourcy Bosso Kaba Toé Téré all magnified the tree before launching an appeal to the population to protect the environment its hobby horse. 'To date, around 45,000 plants have already been planted'; faith of the High Commissioner who also insisted on the good maintenance of these trees. As a reminder, the official launch of this edition of National Tree Day (JNA) took place on June 22, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso. Source: Burkina Information Agency