Polio this week as of 31 August 2022

Pakistan floods: WHO EMRO has released US$4 million in emergency funding for Pakistan, while polio teams are supporting disease surveillance for other diseases during the flood emergency. Dr Hamid Jafari, WHO EMRO Director for Polio Eradication, said via his Twitter account: “Heartbreaking sights from Pakistan, as the damage to the lives, livelihoods and health of people requires all of us to come together and provide support. WHO has been activated to provide emergency support to the Government of Pakistan with medical supplies and expertise, and of course our polio workforce is assisting efforts.”

African Ministers of Health Commit to Polio Eradication Efforts:This year’s detection of imported wild poliovirus in Malawi and Mozambique set off a series of coordinated campaigns across East Africa, as countries acted to swiftly protect their populations and prevent further transmission. On 24 August, in a special side session to the 72nd Meeting of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa in Lomé, Togo, Ministers of Health from these responding committed to improving vaccination campaigns, strengthening disease surveillance and continuing to lead in the rollout of the novel oral polio vaccine (nOPV2), hearing from Dr. Matshidiso Moeti (Director, WHO AFRO), Dr. Modjirom Ndoutabe (Polio Programme Coordinator, WHO AFRO) and Chris Elias (Chair, Polio Oversight Board) on what is needed to keep Africa wild polio-free.

nOPV2 rollout: Approximately 450 million doses of nOPV2 have been administered across 22 countries under its WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) to date. An additional 16 countries have met the requirements for nOPV2 use in the event of an outbreak. More information on nOPV2.

Last week, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization (SAGE) Polio Working Group convened at WHO in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss policy options and will formulate recommendations for endorsement to the upcoming full SAGE meeting, on 3-6 October 2022.

**Summary of new polioviruses this week:

**– Pakistan: one WPV1 case and four positive environmental samples

– Benin: two cVDPV2 cases

– Chad: four cVDPV2 cases

– DR Congo: two cVDPV2 cases

– Ghana: two cVDPV2 positive environmental samples

– Yemen: 18 cVDPV2 cases

Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative

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