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Over N.dollars 2 million paid in OVCs grants monthly in Erongo

More than 12 000 Orphans and Vulnarable Children (OVCs) in the Erongo Region are benefiting from social grants with a total of N.dollars 2.8 million spent on a monthly basis.

This is according to Erongo Governor Neville Andre- Itope during his State of the Region Address here on Monday.

These grants, he said are aimed at ensuring that every child is well taken care of in order for them to become responsible citizens who will contribute to the social and economic development of the country.

“This is part of the Government’s second Harambee Properity Plan’s Social Progressions Pillar which focuses on improved quality of life for all Namibians and particularly the vulnerable members of society.

This Pillar aims to alleviate poverty by arresting hunger poverty; delivering urban land, housing and sanitation; improving access to public healthcare; improving the quality of the public education system and arresting the scourge of gender-based violence and violence against children,” he highlighted.

Additionally, a total of 14 300 pensioners in the region, receive the Old Age grant totaling to a N.dollars 18.5 million monthly expenditure by the government.

Meanwhile, 3178 people are receiving the disability grant, however these numbers varies from month to month, as new registrations are recorded every now and then.

In addition to this support, the government, through the division of Gender Equality and Child Welfare, also pays an allowance to Early Childhood educators serving in rural and peri-urban communities.

“The subsidy, which is in line with Cabinet Decision No.4th/27.03.12/006, is given to remove some type of burden on educators to make sure that the greatest possible opportunities for quality early childhood programmes are available for all children and their families,” he said.

About 60 children are currently placed under foster and Kinship care respectively.

The governor added that viable projects are also selected from the region’s seven constituencies, where beneficiaries receive materials or equipment for their projects.

During the period under review, materials for nine projects were procured at a value of N.dollars 68 000.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency