National Council adopts report on high school failure rates

WINDHOEK: The 12th session of the National Council underway here adopted a report of the Standing Committee on Education, Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Youth Development on the high failure rate of high school learners.

The session which took place on Monday, addressed the 2022 Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO) and Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary (NSSCAS) levels' high failure rate of learners in the country.

National Council member John Likando said the implementation of the Advance Subsidiary curriculum has not been properly planned, stating that the high failure rate in schools is not caused by the curriculum but rather by the implementation.

'The change in the curriculum has caused a major set-back in the education sector. The curriculum reform should be followed by a number of considerations such as the physical infrastructure, human and financial resources and material support,' said Likando.

Likando added that books, laboratories and libraries should have been secured in all schools before the implementation of the curriculum.

'Teachers' preparations are critical as it avoids teacher turnover in schools and a lack of professionalism in teachers due to a lack of services in different areas,' said Likando who suggested the introduction of basics in wealth and investments to the curriculum as a non-promotional subject for young people to be trained on how to maintain their assets from a young age.

In the 2022 Grade 11 NSSCO and NSSCAS results, only 8 133 pupils or 24 per cent qualified for tertiary education from the 38 019 candidates who sat for the 2022 national exams.

Chairperson of the standing committee, Olivia Hanghuwo said the committee will continue to engage with the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture to ensure that the gaps that exist in the education system are addressed for the benefit of the nation.

These National Council sessions also seek to deliberate on the National Budget and to debate and endorse various National Council standing committee reports.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency