NamPol’s festive season operation yields 260 arrests

OMUTHIYA: The Namibian Police Force's (NamPol) 2023/24 festive season operation in the Oshikoto Region resulted in 260 arrests for various offences, representing an increase from the previous festive season's 137 arrests. This was announced by NamPol's regional commander for Oshikoto, Commissioner Theopoline Kalompo-Nashikaku, during the debriefing for the festive season operation at the police force's regional headquarters at Omuthiya on Friday. Kalompo-Nashikaku said the police also issued 763 traffic summonses between 17 November 2023 to 17 January 2024, when the operation ended. 'Gender-based violence recorded the highest number of arrests at 37 arrests, while the possession of illicit goods, mainly Best whiskey and cigarettes, resulted in 28 arrests,' she said. The regional commander also said 51 road accidents were recorded in the region during the festive season operation, compared to 48 accidents recorded during the 2022/23 operation. Kalompo-Nashikaku further urged the police officers to take pr ide in their work. 'You must be proud of your work because you enforce peace, so you are a hero in the community,' she said. She applauded them for committing to their work during the festive season. Kalompo-Nashikaku however said she wants to see officers acting on arrests going forward, as sufficient awareness was created during the festive season. 'We should start taking action in arresting those that are going against the law now,' Kalompo-Nashikaku said. Source: Namibia Press Agency