Morocco’s Efforts to Fight Racial Discrimination Commended in Budapest

Rabat - Morocco's efforts to fight racial discrimination and promote international cooperation in this area, in accordance with the enlightened vision of HM King Mohammed VI, were commended in Budapest during a ceremony celebrating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This celebration, held on March 19-23 by the World Veterans Federation (WVF), was also an opportunity to highlight the kingdom's pioneering roles in the areas of human rights protection, the fight against the proliferation of weapons and cross-border crime, criminal justice, as well as in the economic, social, security, cultural and environmental areas, the High Commission for Former Resistance Fighters and Former Members of the Liberation Army said in a press release. This ceremony was also marked by a tribute to the winners of the Radnóti Miklós Award and the presentation of the title of Humanity Ambassador to the High Commissioner for Former Resistance Fighters and Former Members of the Liberation Army, WVF pr esident, Mustapha El Ktiri, the press release added. On this occasion, El Ktiri praised the role of Hungarian poet Radnóti Miklós in the defense of freedom and equality, stressing the importance of celebrating this International Day and making it a renewed opportunity to fight racial discrimination in all its forms. He also highlighted the role of veterans as guardians of peace, expressing their continued commitment to fighting racial discrimination, enshrining peace, security, freedom, justice and human dignity, as well as strengthening tolerance and openness. Peace is not limited to preventing war, but includes justice and mutual respect, he said, underlining the need to strengthen international cooperation to resolve conflicts and avoid racial tensions. This ceremony was also an opportunity for the High Commissioner for Former Resistance Fighters and Former Members of the Liberation Army to carry out several visits and meeting, notably with President of the Federation of Resistance Fighters - Associati on of antifascists (FIR), Vilmos Hanti, which examined the ways to deepen cooperation relations between the two institutions on issues related to veterans and resistance fighters of the two countries, the same source said. During this meeting, the two parties drafted a joint call to promote peace and security in the world, emphasizing the need to strengthen peace and justice, in accordance with the Humanitarian Pact and to consolidate relations between the two institutions through the exchange of expertise and experience in areas of common interest, the press release concluded. Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse