Inclusive Development of Host Areas in Eastern Chad

A mission led by Philipe Chedanne, Director of the French Development Agency (AFD) in N’Djamena visited the SILA (Goz Beïda, Koutoufou and Ngorloli), from September 23 to 27.

Its objective was to supervise the Inclusive Development of Host Zones in Eastern Chad (DIZA EST) project co-financed by AFD and the EU (prevented) in partnership with UNHCR.

This mission was made up of several AFD agents, including Martin Gerhards, fragility and conflict expert at headquarters, as well as the Director of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), Alexandra Roulet-Cimpric and the Project Coordinator of the NGO CONCERN WORLDWIDE, Pierre Maget.

The on-site mission also joined the national NGO APLFT, a member of the consortium responsible for implementing the project and present during all the visits of the mission.

Several visits to localities (cantons of Wadi Habile and Mouro), infrastructure and various interviews with local authorities and project beneficiaries have enabled a positive assessment of the achievements and support provided, which constitute a wide variety of activities, selected by beneficiaries and equally targeting the very numerous refugee and displaced populations in the project area.

It was also an opportunity to discuss the necessary developments and adjustments to be made for the 2nd phase of the project, the financing of which will also be provided by the EU and the AFD in coordination with the UNHCR, which is very present in the area.

During this new phase, the question, in particular, of the evolution of the status of these thousands of refugees and displaced persons and of the camps established for several generations will be at the heart of the work carried out on the spot with the authorities, the partners and the populations concerned.

Source: French Embassy in N’Djaména

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