Ambassador Wang Xining Visited PetroChina Chad Company and West Africa Company

On September 30, Wang Xining, Ambassador to Chad, went to PetroChina Chad Company and West Africa Company for on-the-spot investigation and discussion. The Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy Chen Xiao and others attended the meeting.

Heads of PetroChina Chad Company and West Africa Company introduced the current situation and future planning of the project. Ambassador Wang highly praised and expressed cordial condolences to all CNPC employees in Chad for overcoming difficulties in various aspects, working hard and making outstanding achievements in the front line of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. It is hoped that the company will continue to carry forward its fine traditions, continuously improve its operation level and efficiency, steadily promote the process of localization and internationalization, actively undertake social responsibilities, deeply integrate into the local society, tell the Chinese story with advanced corporate culture, and promote the improvement and upgrading of China-Chadia pragmatic cooperation. , to make new and greater contributions to the joint building of a China-Chadia community of shared future. Source: The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Chad

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