Regional Bureau for West & Central Africa Education Newsletter, June 2022

In September, the Transforming Education Summit (TES) will be held in New York, convened by the UN Secretary General to mobilise political ambition, action, solutions and solidarity to transform education worldwide.

This week, the pre-Summit was organised in Paris to generate greater momentum and commitment. Refugee youth representatives spoke in 10 formal sessions and many side events, bringing to bear their lived experience. UNHCR spoke alongside the World Bank, UNICEF, GPE, ECW and member States on issues of inclusion into national systems; teachers of refugees; data in emergencies and crisis settings; connected education; and creating safe schools.

This summit and the commitments it will need to bring are more relevant than ever, as the latest ECW report finds that about 222 million school-aged children are affected by crises globally and need education support. This study also shows that 78.2 million children are out of school, 84% of whom live in areas of protracted crisis, and that nearly 120 million are in school but do not reach the minimum level of proficiency in maths or reading.

June also saw the celebration of World Refugee Day and the Day of the African Child – See pages 4 and 5 for UNHCR’s activities to mark the two days and highlight the education of refugee children and youth during the celebrations.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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