Promoting social cohesion: Zondoma women make their contributions

The Association of United Women of the Zondoma Province (AFUPZ), in partnership with the West African Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP-Burkina), held this Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at the town hall of Gourcy, a community dialogue in order to contribute to the promotion of peace and social cohesion in the province. Despite the security crisis, the northern region is experiencing conflicts of all kinds, the consequences of which mainly affect women and children. With this conviction, AFUPZ took the initiative to organize this community dialogue, held this Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at the Gourcy town hall. For the president of the association, Kadjiètou Sidibé, this activity aims to promote peace and social cohesion, which are being severely tested in the northern region, and particularly in the commune of Gourcy. Source: Burkina Information Agency