Stabilization of communities in Liptako-Gourma: 300 young people from Seytenga trained and equipped

Ouagadougou: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) office organized in Dori, on Friday, September 13, 2024, an official ceremony for the delivery of installation kits worth 85,104,300 FCFA to 300 young people from the commune of Seytenga, trained for 35,000,000 FCFA in 12 promising professions. According to the head of the UNDP office in Dori, Mr. Moumini Ouédraogo, this activity is part of the implementation of the project "Stabilization Facility in the Liptako-Gourma region, window of Burkina Faso". According to Mr. Ouédraogo, this action by his structure aims to mitigate the harmful effects of the insecurity experienced by the Sahel region in general, and the commune of Seytenga in particular, which has been severely affected by terrorist attacks that have caused loss of human life and displacement, during which the populations have lost everything. For him, this activity, with a total cost of 120 million FCFA, will allow the young people selected by the technical services to start afresh. Mr. Ouédraogo expressed the hope that, within three to six months, concrete results produced by this equipment will be observed among the young people trained and equipped. The head of the Dori office added that the UNDP, in its vision of supporting the Burkinabe government, works every day to improve the living conditions of the population. This is why he wished the beneficiaries a lot of willpower and courage, because the extension of this initiative to other municipalities in the Sahel region will depend on their success. The first vice-president of the special communal delegation of Seytenga, Mr. Hama Diallo, expressed his gratitude and recognition to the UNDP for this valuable support for the populations of his commune. According to him, this action is welcome, given the lack of employment experienced by the young people and women of Seytenga after their resettlement. Mr. Diallo warmly thanked the regional administrative authorities and the trainers whose combined efforts made this project possible. Th e entrepreneur in the field of solar energy, Mr. Boubacar Hama Dicko, on behalf of the beneficiaries, expressed their full commitment to implementing the knowledge acquired. Mr. Dicko warmly thanked the UNDP and promised that their cohort would produce great entrepreneurs. It should be noted that these young beneficiaries of the installation kits were trained during six sessions, in the areas of life skills development, entrepreneurship and financial education. The trades concerned are masonry, carpentry, sewing, solar energy, soap making, telephone repair, hairdressing, catering, poultry farming and sheep fattening. Source: Burkina Information Agency